LYRIC INSPIRATION Never Let Me Go Florence and the Machine And the arms of the ocean are carrying me, And all this devotion was rushing over (out of) me, And the crashes are heaven, for a sinner like me, But the arms of the ocean deliver me. his series of images, shot at Manly Dam, was a completely experimental set. Exploring the feminine, the power, the struggle and the triumph of being a woman, going with the flow and allowing life to happen as it’s meant to, just as the lyrics in the song describe - ‘And the arms of the ocean are carrying me’ with such power and direction of how we need to flow with life is present it is in these lyrics, and completely resonated with me. The beauty of Lomography and multiple exposures is at the time you are shooting you are never really sure of what you are going to get, which is part of the emotive drive behind my Lomography photography. The double exposure in this image lines up beautifully as the model blends into the mountain as she floats on a body of water. I would like to thank Anna Paola Boyd for modeling for me for this series and Sandra Stamatov for assisting me on the day of this shoot.